Join Born In The Woods

Club Core Areas:

LEADERSHIP: To build a strong leadership team that has the ability to grow the UNI Men’s Rugby club and attract new players.
PLAYER SERVICES: To identify, provide value and meet the needs of the players.
IMAGE: To develop a strong identity and positively influence the reputation and image of the University of Northern Iowa Men’s Rugby club on campus, in the Cedar Falls, Midwest, and National arena.
FINANCIAL GROWTH: To achieve financial stability and grow the financial resources available to the UNI Men’s Rugby Club for club related activities such as travel to matches, equipment, uniforms, scholarships and coaching salaries.
STRATEGIC ALLIANCE: To strengthen current partnerships, seek out and nurture new alliances within the University of Northern Iowa, Midwest, and National arenas.

Description of Organization’s Activities

Financial support in furtherance of the activities of the UNI Men’s Rugby Club:

  • Equipment and travel expenses to further the recreation of the club by allowing members to attend additional matches at various locations as students are financially limited.
  • Scholarship and book purchase assistance for members of the club will serve the non-profit purpose of furthering the academic excellence of the students.
  • Any additional fees imposed upon the club in order to participate in the recreation and pleasure of competing against other universities in the sport of rugby.

Provide an avenue for membership to establish personal contacts, mingle and further our common bond for the love of the sport of rugby:

  • Maintain a constant database, website, and contact list for members to utilize.
  • Issue at a minimum, a quarterly newsletter to all members informing them of the activities and status of the club.
  • Organize an annual in person membership meeting to last 2 days at a minimum where the membership body will vote and approve the club’s actions and a Board of Directors meeting will be conducted.
  • Annual golf outing open to all membership.
  • Organize a clinic to train and further the development of the membership’s rugby playing skills.

Professional assistance to membership:

  • Provide free guidance and options for employment and internship opportunities among and between members.