Section 1. Eligibility. Consistent with the provisions of this Article II, any individual or business, industrial, agricultural, civic, educational, religious, or governmental entity or organization interested in supporting and promoting the purposed of the Club shall be eligible for membership in the Chamber.
Section 2. Classes of Membership. The Club shall have five (5) classes of members: former player, current player, coach, fan, and business.
Section 3. Former Players. A Former Player membership in the Club shall be available to any person who has played at least one full season of matches for the University of Northern Iowa Men’s Rugby Club.
Section 4. Current Players. A Current Player membership in the Club shall be available to any person who has played at least one full season of matches for the University of Northern Iowa Men’s Rugby Club and is a current student in good standing at the University of Northern Iowa.
Section 5. Coach. A Coach membership in the Club shall be available to any person who has coached at least one full season of matches for the University of Northern Iowa Men’s Rugby Club whether head coach or assistant coach.
Section 6. Fan. A Fan membership in the Club shall be available to any person who enjoys attending, following or otherwise has a passion for University of Northern Iowa Men’s Rugby Club matches and its program.
Section 7. Business. A Business membership in the Club shall be available to any business who wishes to support the Club’s purpose and activities.
Section 8. Application For Membership.
a) Each candidate for membership in the Club shall submit a written application to the Board. Unless the Board rejects the application within thirty (30) days after its receipt, the application shall be deemed approved. Membership shall thereafter be in effect upon the applicant’s payment of the required dues.
b) Each submitted application for membership shall constitute an agreement by the applicant that as a member of the Club, the applicant will abide by these bylaws and any other rules and regulations adopted by the membership of the Board.
Section 9. Membership Privileges.
a) Former Player Member. Each Former Player & Member in good standing: shall:
1) Be entitled to cast one (1) vote in any election conducted by the Club or at any regular or special meeting of the membership.
2) Be entitled, to hold and serve a position on the Board.
3) Enjoy all other privileges and benefits offered or provided by the Club.
b) All Other Members. Unless otherwise limited by these Bylaws or the Board, Fan, Coach, and Board Members in good standing shall be entitled to the same benefits and privileges available to Fan Player Members, except neither may vote, hold office, or serve on the Board.
Section 10. Dues.
a) Board Determined. Each member of the Club shall pay the annual membership dues at such rate or such formula as prescribed by the Board.
b) When Payable.
1) Renewal Membership: All renewal membership dues are to be paid by the annual alumni weekend which is held on the first weekend of August. If any member fails to pay the required dues by alumni weekend, the Club shall email or mail a written notice of delinquency to the member. If 60 days past alumni weekend has gone by and the dues still remain delinquent, the Club shall email or mail a second notice of delinquency. If by 90 days past alumni weekend the dues still remain delinquent, the member will not be considered a “member not in good standing” and the membership of the member shall be temporarily suspended pending payment of the required dues or expulsion by the Board for nonpayment of dues. While a member’s membership is temporarily suspended, the member shall be ineligible to vote, hold office, serve on the Board, or enjoy any of the Club’s benefits or privileges otherwise afforded such member.
2) New Membership: All new membership dues are to be paid within 45 days of the submission of the application to the Board. The new membership shall not become effective until the required dues are paid. For the sake of bookkeeping, membership dues will not be pro-rated. All membership dues, both renewal and new, will re-set and be due on alumni weekend for the upcoming year.
Excess Dues Payments. Any member may voluntarily pay at any time dues in excess of its required annual membership dues. The Board may establish incentive or special recognition programs to encourage and facilitate such additional payments.

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Bettendorf, IA 52722.